1. Operate value measurementThe current restraining value has also to be measured or calculated and theinfluence on the operation has to be calculated when the testing of the operatevalue is done. Overcurrent feature with voltage restraint SEMOD56488-44 v5Procedure1. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and three-phasevoltages to the appropriate current and voltage terminals of the IED.2. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according tosetting parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) currents and voltages arecreated from the test set.Overall check in principal as above (non-directional overcurrent feature)3. Operate value measurementThe relevant voltage restraining value (according to setting parameterVoltageInput) has also to be injected from the test set and the influence on theoperate value has to be calculated when testing of the operate value is done.4. Operate time measurementDefinite times may be tested as above (non-directional overcurrent feature).For inverse time characteristics the START value (to which the overcurrentratio has to be calculated) is the actual pickup value as got with actualrestraining from the voltage restraining quantity. Overcurrent feature with directionality SEMOD56488-60 v5Please note that the directional characteristic can be set in two different ways eitherjust dependent on the angle between current and polarizing voltage (settingparameter DirPrinc_OC1 or DirPrinc_OC2 set to or in a way that the operatevalue also is dependent on the angle between current and polarizing voltageaccording to the I · cos(F) law (setting parameter DirPrinc_OC1 or DirPrinc_OC2set to I · cos(F). This has to be known if a more detailed measurement of thedirectional characteristic is made, than the one described below.Procedure1. Connect the test set for injection of three-phase currents and three-phasevoltages to the appropriate current and voltage terminals of the IED.2. Inject current(s) and voltage(s) in a way that relevant measured (according tosetting parameter CurrentInput and VoltageInput) currents and voltages arecreated from the test set.3. Set the relevant measuring quantity current to lag or lead (lag for negativeRCA angle and lead for positive RCA angle) the relevant polarizing quantityvoltage by an angle equal to the set IED characteristic angle (rca-dir) whenforward directional feature is selected and the CTstarpoint configurationparameter is set to ToObject.1MRK 505 378-UEN A Section 11Testing functionality by secondary injectionLine differential protection RED670 2.2 IEC 213Commissioning manual