1. Set the port for IEC use on the local HMI under Main menu /Configuration /Communication /Station communication/Portconfiguration/SLM optical serial port/PROTOCOL:1. When thecommunication protocol is selected, the IED is automatically restarted, andthe port then operates as an IEC port.2. Set the SlaveAddress and BaudRate for the rear IEC port on the local HMIunder Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Stationcommunication/IEC60870-5-103/OPTICAL103:1. Use the same settingsfor these as is set in the SMS system for the IED.6.2 Verifying the communication M11735-77 v1To verify that the rear communication with the SMS/SCS system is working, thereare some different methods. Choose one of the following.6.2.1 Verifying SPA communication M11735-81 v5Procedure1. Use a SPA-emulator and send “RF” to the IED. The answer from the IEDshould be the type and version of it, for example, “REL670 2.1...”.2. Generate one binary event by activating a function, which is configured to anEVENT block where the used input is set to generate events on SPA. Theconfiguration must be made with the PCM600 software. Verify that the eventis presented in the SMS/SCS system.During the following tests of the different functions in the IED, verify that theevents and indications in the SMS/SCS system are as expected.6.2.2 Verifying IEC communication M11735-91 v2To verify that the IEC communication with the IEC master system is working,there are some different methods. Choose one of the following.Procedure1. Check that the master system time-out for response from the IED, forexample after a setting change, is > 40 seconds.2. Use a protocol analyzer and record the communication between the IED andthe IEC master. Check in the protocol analyzer’s log that the IED answers themaster messages.3. Generate one binary event by activating a function that is configured to anevent block where the used input is set to generate events on IEC. Theconfiguration must be made with the PCM600 software. Verify that the eventis presented in the IEC master system.Section 6 1MRK 505 378-UEN AEstablishing connection and verifying the SPA/IEC communication64 Line differential protection RED670 2.2 IECCommissioning manual