Section 9 Establishing connection and verifying theIEEE C37.118/1344 communication9.1 Overview GUID-EFD77C28-6F7C-4277-8C7E-30E78CC8EFAD v3The IED can support synchrophasor data communication via IEEE C37.118 and/orIEEE1344 with maximum 8 TCP clients and 6 UDP client groups, simultaneously.The rear OEM ports are used for IEEE C37.118/1344 communication. The sameports can also be used for substation bus (IEC 61850-8-1) communication andprocess bus (IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE) communication where applicable.In order to establish a connection between PMU and a TCP/UDP client (PDCclient), an Ethernet communication link (e.g. optical fiber) shall be available andthe required parameters on both PMU and the TCP/UDP client shall be set. For thepurpose of this section, an Open PDC tool (PMU Connection Tester) installed on aPC is used as the TCP/UDP client.9.2 Setting the PMU station communication (PMUReport) GUID-B8DCD7BA-AEBA-4977-89D4-2F18ECE34A2F v11. Check the settings for the PMU Report parameters by navigating to: Mainmenu/Configuration/Communication/Station communication/phasormeasurement/PMU Report/PMUREPORT:11.1. Make sure that the operation of at least one PMU instance (e.g. PMU1)is On.1.2. Enable sending the frequency data by setting the parameterSendFreqInfo to On.2. Check the operation of the required phasor channels (PHASORREPORT) bynavigating to: Main menu/Configuration/Communication/Stationcommunication/phasor measurement/PMU Report/PHASORREPORT:x.1MRK 505 378-UEN A Section 9Establishing connection and verifying the IEEE C37.118/1344 communicationLine differential protection RED670 2.2 IEC 73Commissioning manual