• Create a L2L3 fault such that their phase voltage magnitudes are lower thanUPhSel< times corresponding quadrature phase to phase voltage and set Tauto default value.• Check that TRIP, TRL1, TRL2 and TRL3 are generated after the set delaytime of t3Ph and ARST, ARST3PH, ARSTL1, ARSTL2 and ARSTL3 are alsoactivated.• Check that activated trip signals and start signals are blocked by enablingBLKTR and BLKST.• Check that all activated signals are disabled by BLOCK input. Completing the test GUID-4AFACF9B-9CA8-4960-9806-316FFCFEDEC0 v1Continue to test another function or end the testing by setting the parameterTestMode to Off under: Main menu/Tests/IED test mode/TESTMODE:1Restore connections and settings to their original values if they were changed fortesting purposes.11.7 Frequency protection SEMOD53547-1 v111.7.1 Underfrequency protection SAPTUF M16289-2 v7Prepare the IED for verification of settings outlined in Section "Preparing the IEDto verify settings". Verifying the settings M16289-15 v3Verification of START value and time delay to operate M16289-17 v71. Check that the IED settings are appropriate, for example the start value andthe time delay.2. Supply the IED with three-phase voltages at their rated values and initialfrequency.The initial frequency is calculated using Equation 103.0.02 / 0.04 0.04rStartFrequency floor f StartFrequency IECEQUATION16059 V1 EN-US (Equation 103)3. Slowly decrease the voltage frequency by steps of 40 mHz until the STARTsignal appears; during each step apply the voltage signal for a time that iseither at least 10% longer than (tDelay+100ms) or a suitable time to monitorthe function.4. Note the frequency value at which the START signal appears and compare itwith the set value StartFrequency.5. Increase the frequency until its rated value is reached.Section 11 1MRK 505 378-UEN ATesting functionality by secondary injection208 Line differential protection RED670 2.2 IECCommissioning manual