1. Apply voltages U-Line equal to 100% GblBaseSelLine and U-Bus equal to100% GblBaseSelBus, with a frequency difference equal to 0 mHz and aphase difference lower than the set value.2. Check that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activated.3. Apply voltage to the U-Line equal to 100% GblBaseSelLine with a frequencyequal to 50 Hz and voltage U-Bus equal to 100% GblBaseSelBus, with afrequency outside the set limit.4. Check that the two outputs are not activated. The test can be repeated withdifferent frequency values to verify that the function operates for values lowerthan the set ones. If a modern test set is used, the frequency can be changedcontinuously.Testing the reference voltage M2377-249 v51. Use the same basic test connection as in figure 21.The voltage difference between the voltage connected to U-Bus and U-Lineshould be 0%, so that the AUTOSYOK and MANSYOK outputs are activatedfirst.2. Change the U-Line voltage connection to U-Line2 without changing thesetting on the local HMI. Check that the two outputs are not activated. Testing the energizing check M2377-262 v6During the test of the energizing check function for a single bay arrangement, thesevoltage inputs are used:U-Line UL1, UL2 or UL3 line1 voltage inputs on the IEDU-Bus Bus voltage input on the IEDGeneral M2377-271 v6When testing the energizing check function for the applicable bus, arrangementshall be done for the energizing check functions. The voltage is selected byactivation of different inputs in the voltage selection logic.Live voltage level is fixed to 80% UBase and dead voltage level to fixed 40%UBase.The test shall be performed according to the settings for the station. Test thealternatives below that are applicable.Testing the dead line live bus (DLLB) M2377-276 v7The test should verify that the energizing check function operates for a low voltageon the U-Line and for a high voltage on the U-Bus. This corresponds to theenergizing of a dead line to a live bus.1MRK 506 383-UEN A Section 9Testing functionality by secondary injectionLine distance protection REL650 2.2 IEC 139Commissioning manual