HMI Signal Name: Status DescriptionTime Sync READY / FAIL This signal will be active when thesource of the time synchronization islost, or when the time system has tomake a time reset.Application READY / FAIL This signal will be active if one or moreof the application threads are not in thestate that Runtime Engine expects. Thestates can be CREATED, INITIALIZED,RUNNING, etc.RTE READY / FAIL This signal will be active if the RuntimeEngine failed to do some actions with theapplication threads. The actions can beloading of settings or parameters forcomponents, changing of setting groups,loading or unloading of applicationthreads.IEC61850 READY / FAIL This signal will be active if the IEC 61850stack did not succeed in some actionslike reading IEC 61850 configuration,startup etc.LMD READY / FAIL LON network interface, MIP/DPS, is inan unrecoverable error state.LDCMxxx READY / FAIL Line Differential Communication ErrorstatusAlso the internal signals, such as INT--FAIL and INT--WARNING can beconnected to binary output contacts for signalling to a control room.In the IED Status - Information, the present information from the self-supervisionfunction can be viewed. Indications of failure or warnings for each hardwaremodule are provided, as well as information about the external timesynchronization and the internal clock. All according to table 21. Loss of timesynchronization can be considered as a warning only. The IED has fullfunctionality without time synchronization.12.2.2 Using front-connected PC M11763-203 v5When an internal fault has occurred, extensive information about the fault can beretrieved from the list of internal events available in the SMS part:TRM-STAT TermStatus - Internal EventsThe list of internal events provides valuable information, which can be used duringcommissioning and fault tracing.The internal events are time tagged with a resolution of 1ms and stored in a list.The list can store up to 40 events. The list is based on the FIFO principle, when it isfull, the oldest event is overwritten. The list cannot be cleared and its contentcannot be erased.1MRK 506 383-UEN A Section 12TroubleshootingLine distance protection REL650 2.2 IEC 185Commissioning manual