• Test instructions for protection IEDs to be tested• Test records from previous commissioning and maintenance tests• List of valid settings• Blank test records to fill in measured values11.2.2.2 Recording SEMOD56528-14 v2It is of utmost importance to carefully record the test results. Special test sheetscovering the frequency of test, date of test and achieved test values should be used.IED setting list and protocols from previous tests should be available and all resultsshould be compared for differences. At component failures, spare equipment isused and set to the requested value. A note of the exchange is made and the newmeasured values are recorded. Test records for several years of testing should bestored in a common file for a station, or a part of a station, to give a simpleoverview of the period of testing and achieved test values. These test records arevaluable when analysis of service disturbances shall be done. Secondary injection SEMOD56528-17 v2The periodic maintenance test is done by secondary injection from a portable testset. Each protection shall be tested according to the secondary injection testinformation for the specific protection IED. Only the setting values adopted shallbe checked for each protection function. If the discrepancy between obtained valueand requested set value is too big the setting should be adjusted, the new valuerecorded and a note should be made in the test record. Alarm test SEMOD56528-20 v4When inserting the test handle the alarm and event signalling is normally blocked.This is done in the IED by setting the event reporting to Off during the test. Thiscan be done when the test handle is inserted or the IED is set to test mode from thelocal HMI. At the end of the secondary injection test it should be checked that theevent and alarm signalling is correct by activating the events and performing someselected tests. Self supervision check SEMOD56528-23 v5Once secondary testing has been completed, it should be checked that no self-supervision signals are activated continuously or sporadically. Especially check thetime synchronization system and communication signals, both stationcommunication and remote communication. Trip circuit check SEMOD56528-26 v5When the protection IED undergoes an operational check, a tripping pulse isnormally obtained on one or more of the output contacts and preferably on the testswitch. The healthy circuit is of utmost importance for the protection operation. If1MRK 506 383-UEN A Section 11Commissioning and maintenance of the fault clearing systemLine distance protection REL650 2.2 IEC 179Commissioning manual