Testing the gas medium supervision for temperature alarm andtemperature lock out conditions GUID-EC145626-90B0-45A2-AD58-CB8BF203FE16 v11. Consider the analogue temperature input SENTEMP and set SENTEMP to avalue higher than TempAlarmLimit, check that outputs TEMPALM and ALARMare activated after a set time delay of tTempAlarm.2. Temperature lockout input SETTLO can be used to set TEMPLO signal.3. Also, increase further the temperature input above TempLOLimit, check thatthe outputs TEMPLO and LOCKOUT appears after a set time delay oftTempLockOut.4. Activate BLOCK binary input and check that the outputs TEMPALM, TEMPLO,ALARM and LOCKOUT disappear.5. Reset the BLOCK binary input.6. Make sure that temperature lockout condition exists and then activate thereset lock out input RESETLO and check that the outputs TEMPLO andLOCKOUT reset. Completing the test GUID-DD08C598-A35C-4300-9555-A0877F7DC511 v1Continue to test another function or end the test by changing the TestMode settingto Off. Restore connections and settings to their original values, if they werechanged for testing purposes.9.11.2 Liquid medium supervision SSIML GUID-6426FDDA-B949-4FE7-BF42-B52014A9344B v3Prepare the IED for verification of settings as outlined in section "Preparing theIED to verify settings" in this chapter.Values of logical signals for SSIMG protection are available on the local HMIunder Main menu/Tests/Function status/Monitoring/InsulationLiquid(71)/SSIML(71):x, where x = 1, 2,....4.Check that the input logical signal BLOCK is logical zero and that on the localHMI, the logical signals LVLALM, LVLLO, TEMPALM, TEMPLO, ALARM andLOCKOUT are logical zero. Testing the liquid medium supervision for level alarm and levellockout conditions GUID-C1F1E6CA-9512-4358-A4E7-84CC3698D156 v31. Connect the binary inputs to consider liquid level to initiate the alarms.2. Consider the analogue level input SENLEVEL and set SENLEVEL to a valuelower than LevelAlmLimit or activate binary input signal SENLVLALM, checkthat outputs LVLALM and ALARM are activated after a set time delay oftLevelAlarm.3. Liquid level lockout input SENLVLLO can be used to set LVLLO.Section 9 1MRK 506 383-UEN ATesting functionality by secondary injection162 Line distance protection REL650 2.2 IECCommissioning manual