The internal events in this list not only refer to faults in the IED, but also to otheractivities, such as change of settings, clearing of disturbance reports, and loss ofexternal time synchronization.The information can only be retrieved from the Parameter Setting softwarepackage. The PC can be connected either to the port at the front or at the rear of theIED.These events are logged as internal events.Table 22:Events available for the internal event list in the IEDEvent message: Description Generating signal:INT--FAIL Off Internal fail status INT--FAIL (reset event)INT--FAIL INT--FAIL (set event)INT--WARNING Off Internal warning status lNT--WARNING (reset event)INT--WARNING lNT--WARNING (set event)IOn--Error Off In/Out module No. n status IOn--Error (reset event)IOn--Error IOn--Error (set event)ADMn-Error Off Analog/Digital module No. nstatusADMn-Error (reset event)ADMn-Error ADMn-Error (set event)INT--RTC Off Real Time Clock (RTC) status INT--RTC (reset event)INT--RTC INT--RTC (set event)INT--TSYNC Off External time synchronizationstatusINT--TSYNC (reset event)INT--TSYNC INT--TSYNC (set event)INT--SETCHGD Any settings in IED changedDRPC-CLEARED All disturbances in Disturbancereport clearedThe events in the internal event list are time tagged with a resolution of 1ms.This means that, when using the PC for fault tracing, it provides information onthe:• Module that should be changed.• Sequence of faults, if more than one unit is faulty.• Exact time when the fault occurred.12.2.3 Diagnosing the IED status via the LHMI hint menuGUID-7E8503E9-441B-487A-9CD7-B43463D1CAE5 v2In order to help the user, there is an LHMI page labeled ‘Hints’. This page islocated under Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Hints. For each activated hintthere is a headline. From the headline view, an explanation page can be entered,giving the user more information and hints about the particular topic.Section 12 1MRK 506 383-UEN ATroubleshooting186 Line distance protection REL650 2.2 IECCommissioning manual