en06000635_2_en.vsdPP<IEC06000635 V2 EN-USFigure 85: Setting of a positive value for P<Q>: When the reactive power exceeds the value given by this setting, the outputQGTFWD will be activated after the time delay tPower. It shall be noticed that thesetting is given with sign, which effectively means that the function picks up for allvalues of reactive power greater than the set value, similar to the functionality forP>.Q<: When the reactive power falls below the value given by this setting, the outputQLTREV will be activated after the time delay tPower. It shall be noticed that thesetting is given with sign, which effectively means that the function picks up for allvalues of reactive power less than the set value, similar to the functionality for P<.tPower: Time delay for activation of the power monitoring output signals(PGTFWD, PLTREV, QGTFWD and QLTREV).Parallel control (ParCtrl)OperationPAR: Setting of the method for parallel operation.OperCCBlock: This setting enables/disables blocking if the circulating currentexceeds CircCurrLimit.CircCurrLimit: Pick up value for the circulating current blocking function. Thesetting is made in percent of I2Base.tCircCurr: Time delay for the circulating current blocking function.Comp: When parallel operation with the circulating current method is used, thissetting increases or decreases the influence of the circulating current on theregulation.If the transformers are connected to the same bus on the HV- as well as the LV-side, Comp can be calculated with the following formula which is valid for anynumber of two-winding transformers in parallel, irrespective if the transformers areof different size and short circuit impedance.2 UComp a 100%n p´ D= ´ ´´EQUATION1941 V1 EN-US (Equation 57)where:Section 11 1MRK 504 169-UEN AControl232 Transformer protection RET650 2.2 IECApplication manual