7-26disk Commandsdisk verifyTo verify all blocks on a SCSI disk device and, optionally, repair anybad blocks, use the disk verify command.Syntaxdisk verify [/repair{=boolean}] [/wait{=boolean}]{scsi_device}Parameters{scsi_device}Specifies the ID for the SCSI disk device that you want toverify. A SCSI ID consists of a SCSI channel number (forexample, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), a device ID (0 through 15 inclusive),and a SCSI logical unit number (0 through 7 inclusive). See thescsi_device section on page 3-7 for more information onhow to specify the SCSI device.Switches/repair{=boolean}Specifies whether to automatically repair bad blocks. If you setthis switch to TRUE, the command attempts to repair any badblocks. If you do not specify the switch, the command onlyreports failures.This switch defaults to FALSE./wait{=boolean}Specifies whether to perform verification synchronously orasynchronously. If you set this switch to TRUE, the commandperforms the block verification synchronously and thecommand prompt does not return until the block verificationoperation completes.The default is FALSE; that is, the command performs theblock verification asynchronously and the command promptreturns immediately.