5-10container Commands{scsi_device}Specifies the ID for the SCSI device whose freespace you wantto use to create the multilevel array of mirror sets. The size ofthis freespace should be greater than or equal to the size of thefirst underlying volume set. A SCSI ID consists of a SCSI busnumber (e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), SCSI device ID (0 through 15inclusive), and SCSI device logical unit number (0 through 7inclusive). See the installation guide for your controller todetermine the number of buses it actually supports.See the scsi_device section on page 3-7 for moreinformation on how to specify the SCSI device.{scsi_device}...Specifies the IDs for additional devices whose freespaces youwant to use to create the multilevel array of mirror sets. Theremust be sufficient contiguous space available on each specifieddevice.The number of devices you specify must be equal to thenumber of single-partition volume sets that make up themultilevel array of volume sets. The size of the freespace usedis equal to its corresponding underlying volume set.Switches/io_delay{=integer}Specifies the number of milliseconds the controller waitsbetween the I/Os required to create the multilevel array ofmirror sets. If you do not specify this switch, the I/O delay isalways zero (0). The I/O delay value is not preserved betweenreboots of the operating system./wait{=integer}Specifies whether to create the multilevel array of mirror setssynchronously or asynchronously. If you set this switch toTRUE, the command creates the multilevel array of mirror setssynchronously and the command prompt does not return untilthe mirror-set creation task completes.If you do not specify this switch, the mirror-set creation startsasynchronously and the command prompt returnsimmediately.