14A/D Icon:Press to select the radio frequency sig-nal reception mode. The choices consistof Digital (D), Analog (A) and AUTO.This icon indicates the radio signal typethat the unit is set to access. When theunit is set to analog only analog radiosignals will be accessed. When the unitis set to digital only digital or HD radiosignals will be accessed. When the unitis set to automatic (AUTO) the unit willaccess both analog and digital (HD)signals. When the content of the analogand digital channel are the same, theunit will access the digital signal auto-matically. Refer to the HD Sub-ChannelScreen.AS Icon:Press to access the Auto-Store Tuningfeature which will automatically scanand enter up to fifteen strong stationsinto the fifteen preset memory loca-tions. If you have already set the presetmemories to your favorite stations,activating the Auto-Store feature willerase those stations and enter the newstrong stations. This feature is most use-ful when travelling in an area where youare not familiar with the local stations.P1/4 Icon:If current channel is a HD Radio chan-nel with multiple digital sub-channelsthis button will be illuminated. Press toselect the sub-channels present. Referto HD Sub-Channel Screen.HD Icon:Press to access high definition audiochannel list if it is being broadcasted bythe radio station. If the station is broad-casting a HD siginal the button will beilluminatedKeyboard Icon :Press to access the direct tuning func-tion. When the icon is pressed a key-board will appear. The user can enter thedesired radio frequency, press OK andthe unit will tune to the frequency. Referto the Direct Tuning Screen.BAND Icon:Press to select or change the radio band(AM or FM1, FM2, or FM3). When theband is changed the presets associatedwith the band will also be displayed.