48Keyboard Icon:Press to directly access a video or anaudio track. When the icon is pressed akeyboard will appear. The user can thenenter the desired feature number andpress OK. The item will begin to play.Direct Tuning Screen:When the Keyboard Icon is pressedin the AV2 (Media Device) Screen akeyboard will appear. The user can enterthe number corresponding to the de-sired item in the menu listing using thenumeric keypad. Once the desired itemis entered press OK and the unit will ac-cess the item in the menu.AV1/AV2 INPUTAV1 Auxiliary Audio/Video Input:The unit contains an auxiliary audio/video input which can accept signalsfrom various audio/video devices. TheAVIN jack on the front panel (referenceItem 2, Controls and Indicators) acceptsa 3.5mm jack which has three femalecolor coded RCA jacks on the oppositeend. The yellow jack is used for video,the red jack accepts the right channelaudio and the white jack accepts the leftchannel audio.Perform the following to access au-dio/ video inputs to the to unit’s AVINinput jack: Turn on the video /audiosource component. Refer to the owner’smanual for instructions.1. Connect the device’s output signalto the unit using the three RCA jacks(Yellow= Video, Red=Right Audio,White=Left Audio).2. Press the unit’s front panel or frontremote control MENU button andselect AV1.3. Use the controls located on thedevice to start playback and othercontrol functions.AV2 Auxiliary Audio/Video Input:The unit contains an auxiliary audio/video input which can accept signalsfrom various audio/video devices. TheAV2 Interface Module (see below) willaccept a USB device, a 3.5mm jack, or aniPod. The iPodis connectedusing the iPodadapter cable.The iPod adap-tor cable plugsinto the USB andAV2 on the AV2Interface Module connectors. When theinput signal does not contain a videosignal the following screen will appear:When a video signal is present, it will bedisplayed on the unit’s front panel.However for the video to be displayed,the vehicle’s parking brake must beengaged. If the parking brake is not en-gaged the following screen will appear:AV1/AV2 Input