54Icon:Press jump access to the previous chan-nel (i.e., switch between the current andprevious channel).Previous Icon:Press to advance to the next previouslyavailable category.Keyboard Icon:Press to directly tune to a channel. Whenthe icon is pressed a keyboard will ap-pear. The user can then enter the chan-nel number and press OK. The unit willtune to the channel and the program-ming on the channel will play.Direct Tuning Screen:When the Keyboard Icon is pressedin the SIRIUS Screen a keyboard willappear. The user can enter the numbercorresponding to a desired SIRIUS chan-nel using the numeric keypad. Oncethe desired channel number is enteredpress OK and the unit will tune to theSIRIUS channel.Settings:Press the SETTINGS icon and the follow-ing screen will appear. Press the SID Icon.This screen displays the SIRIUS identifi-cation number.Parental Control:The PARENTAL CONTROL icon allows theuser to block or unblock certain chan-nels. Press the PARENTAL CONTROL iconand the following screen will appear:Press the LOCK UNLOCK CHANNELS iconand the following screen will appear:The password is 0000. Enter the pass-word, press OK and the following screenwill appear:When the lock appears the channel isnot accessible. The channel will not ap-pear in the list of channels.