36PIN Code:The PIN or Passkey for the unit is (1234).Pressing the PIN Code on the BluetoothSettings screen will result in the fol-lowing screen being displayed. Whenkeyboard screen appears the PIN Codecan be changed with up to any sevendigits. Use the keyboard to select thedigits and press OK. Once the digits areselected and confirmed the new PINCode will appear in the PIN Code on theBluetooth Settings screen.Microphone Function:When a call is received you can com-municate with the caller using the unit’sinternal microphone or an optionalexternal microphone. An external mi-crophone will in some instances improvethe sound quality during communica-tion. The default setting for the unit isthe internal microphone. Pressing theMICROPHONE icon on the Bluetooth Set-tings screen will result in the followingscreen being displayed. When the screenappears, press either INTERNAL or EXTER-NAL and confirm the setting pressing OK.Once the setting has been confirmed, itwill appear in the MICROPHONE icon onthe Bluetooth Settings screen.Mic_Gain:The microphone gain adjustment allowsthe volume of the outgoing call audiosignal to be increased or decreased. Thisfeature is useful when the called partycannot hear you loudly enough. Thisfunction is only enabled when the unit ispaired with a wireless device.Software Version:This entry provides the software versionthat is resident in the unit. This screenis for information only and cannot bealtered by the user.