37CAMERA FUNCTIONRear Camera Function:The unit is “camera ready.” Before access-ing any camera features, you must installa rear video camera. When the camera isnot installed and the function is accessedby gear selector being placed in reverseor the unit’s menu, the following screenwill appear indicating the function is notavailable. When the camera is installedthe rear view image of what is behindthe vehicle will appear when the vehiclesshift lever is placed in reverse. When le-ver is removed from the reverse positionthe unit will return to the previous screen.The rear camera image can be adjustedfrom the SETUP menu. The image canbe changed from normal to mirrored.Refer to the SETUP menu, Camera Imagefor complete details.REAR DISPLAY FUNCTIONThe unit allows two sources to be playedsimultaneously. For example, the unit’sscreen can be set to the radio functionwhile the rear passengers can watch aDVD video using an optional rear moni-tor. The unit provides for connectionof up to two additional monitors (soldseparately) for rear passengers.Perform the following to access the RearDisplay function:1. Turn on the rear monitor. Refer to themonitor’s owner manual for instructions.2. Insert the media (DVD, CD etc) to beviewed into the unit.3. Press the unit’s front panel or frontremote control MENU button andselect REAR.4. Use the rear remote control to startplayback and various control functions.The rear remote should be pointed tothe unit’s front panel.NOTE: You cannot change or controlthe front zone source from the rear zonevideo screen.The Rear Display Function allows controlof the disc playback. When a disc isinserted the unit, pressing the REAR iconwill cause the following screen to appear:1. Play/Pause Icon:Press to begin playback. Press theicon again to pause playback.NOTE: The playback function (Pause,Play, Stop and Rear Disc on/off ) isdisplayed at the top of the screen.2. Next Icon:Press to advance to the next DVDchapter or CD track.3. Stop Icon:Press to stop disc playback. To re-sume playback, press the icon again.4. Rear Display Function on/offPress to turn the Rear Display Func-tion on and off.5. Previous Icon:Press to advance to the previousDVD chapter or CD track.6. Chapter/Track Number:Provides the current number that isplaying. The second number is thetotal number of chapters/tracks.Camera Function/Rear Display/Setup Menu