28BLUETOOTH OPERATIONBluetooth® technology has the capabilityto wirelessly synchronize and transferdata among devices. The Bluetooth au-dio capabilities can be used for wirelessphones hands free applications. Blue-tooth has many profiles and the unitis compatible with most Bluetooth en-abled wireless phones. Before attempt-ing to use the Bluetooth functions onthe unit, please make sure your wirelessphone supports Bluetooth functionsNOTE: The line-of-sight distance be-tween this unit and your cellular phonemust be 8 feet (2.4 meters) or less forsending and receiving voice and datavia Bluetooth wireless technology.Before using Bluetooth functions, youmust pair your wireless phone and theunit. Pairing is a special process usedwhen two devices connect for the firsttime. The pairing process is used to gen-erate a link key that is used for authen-tication purposes for future Bluetoothconnections between devices. Refer tothe procedures for Pairing the Your Wire-less Phone and the Unit and Pairing theUnit and a Wireless Phone.Entering Bluetooth Mode:Press the unit’s front panel MENU but-ton or the MENU button on the frontremote control. Then press the SETUPicon. Press the BLUETOOTH icon in theGENERAL Submenu and set the Blue-tooth to ON.Pairing Your Wireless Phone:Your wireless phone can be pairedwith the unit in two manners. The unitcan initiate the search for compatibledevices and pair to the wireless phoneor the wireless phone can initiate thesearch and pair to the unit. The follow-ing paragraphs describe both methods.NOTE: The following procedures aregeneric. Procedures for pairing wirelessphones may vary slightly from phonemanufacturer to phone manufacturer.Pairing a Wireless Phone and the Unit:1. Select the Bluetooth setup optionon the wireless phone to be paired(please refer to the wireless phone’sinstruction manual to enter Bluetoothsetup, turn Bluetooth on/off, andperform pairing). Access the wirelessphone Bluetooth function and set theBluetooth function to ON.2. Set your wireless phone Bluetoothdiscover mode to ON.NOTE: Some discovery modes have atime limit usually a minute before theyare automatically turned off.3. Use the wireless phone’s add a newdevice feature. A device or devices willappear on your wireless phone display.NOTE: Some phones require a “passkey” or pairing code to connect. If yourphone requires a pass key or pairingcode, you will need to enter this numberin the Pairing Code field under the Blue-tooth SETUP menu. The default pairingcode for many wireless phones is “0000”.The default code for the unit is “1234”.4. A prompt to pair or bond should ap-pear on your wireless phone. Acceptthe request and initiate the process.5. A prompt to enter a PIN number orpasskey for the unit should appear.The default passkey for the unit is“1234”.6. At this point a prompt stating pairingsuccessful should appear. Anotherprompt should appear asking con-nect to the unit, Yes or NO. Press Yes.The wireless phone and the unitshould pair. Once the Bluetoothmain menu appears on the unit’sfront panel the wireless phone andthe unit have paired.