Table of ContentsWelcome 1Features 1Conventions Used in this Document 2Button Presses 2Using Personal Mixers 2Optional Remote Control 2Master Volume Control 3A-16R Front Panel 4A-16R Components - left side 4A-16R Components - right side 5A-16R Rear Panel 6Audio Connections 6A-16R MIDI and Data Connections 7A-16CS Components 8Left Side 8A-16CS Right Side 9Package Contents 10AC Line Conditioning 10Installing the A-16R in a Rack 11Channel Labels 11What is Category 5? 12Cables Used in the Aviom System 12Category 6 Cables 12Cable Lengths 13About A-Net 14Power Supplies 15Cleaning and Maintenance 16System Setup 17AC Power Connection 17System Interconnections 17Audio Connections — Inputs 18Audio Connections — Outputs 18Labeling the Channels 18Powering Up 19Basic Navigation 19Preparing to Make a Mix 19Mixing 20Set the Channel Volume 20Set the Pan Location 20Saving Your New Preset 21What Gets Saved 21Information Not Saved With a Preset 22System Navigation 23A-Net Connection Options 23Series Connection 23