67MIDI System ExclusiveImplementationversion 1.00 for Aviom A-16R1. Introduction and OverviewThis document is designed to aid in the understanding of the A16R’s MIDISystem Exclusive (SysEx) implementation. MIDI SysEx support for theA16R product includes messages that allow for uploading and downloadingof all sixteen system presets or the current active configuration also referredto in this document as the current preset. Described in this document isthe implementation of these features. In order to utilize these features theA16R may be interfaced to any MIDI management device such as a personalcomputer with MIDI software or stand alone devices such as MIDI SysExrecorders/sequencers.1.1. Transmit FlowShown below is the basic transmit flow for the currently supported/implemented MIDI system exclusive messages on the A16R.������������������������������������������Figure 1 - MIDI Transmit Flow1.2. Receive FlowShown below is the basic receive flow for the currently supported/implementedMIDI system exclusive messages on the A-16R.�����������������������������������������Figure 2 - MIDI Receive Flow2. MIDI System Exclusive Packet PiecesA MIDI SysEx packet can be thought of as a group or collection of bytes thatcontain a start indicator referred to as the “SysEx Head”, “Message Data”which may contain control or status information and a “SysEx Tail” whichterminates/ends the packet. Described below is an overview of a generic MIDISysEx packet structure.SysEx Head Message Data SysEx TailFigure 3 - MIDI General Packet StructureThe specifics and mechanics of the various packet pieces are described in thesubsequent sections.