The Parameter ListAXIS 5500 / AXIS 5550 User’s Manual 109TCP/IP Menu In the print server’s Web interface, select Admin | Network Settings | DetailedView | TCP/IP.SYS_CONT. Print server responsible personParameter Default value (Possible values) CommentsTCP_ENB. YES (YES, NO) TCP/IP EnabledINT_ADDR. x x x x IP addressDEF_ROUT. x x x x Default router (enter 0 0 0 0 for no router)NET_MASK. x x x x Net Mask (e.g. 255 255 255 0 for class C; 0 0 0 0 forauto-sense)HTTPS_ENB. NO (YES, NO) HTTPS EnabledPROS_PWD. netprinter PROS passwordPROS_PRT. 35 PROS TCP port numberLPD_BANN. OFF (OFF, AUTO, LAST) LPD banner page modeDHCP_ENB. YES (YES, NO) DHCP EnabledAUTOIP_ENB. YES (YES, NO) AutoIP EnabledBOOTP_ENB. YES (YES, NO) BOOTP EnabledRARP_ENB. YES (YES, NO) RARP EnabledWINS_ENB. YES (YES, NO) WINS EnabledWINS_ADDR1. x x x x Primary WINS server addressWINS_ADDR2. x x x x Secondary WINS server addressNBT_SCOPE_ID. Defines the NetBIOS scope to be used with WINSname registrationDNS_ENB. YES (YES, NO) DNS EnabledDNS_ADDR1. x x x x Primary DNS server addressDNS_ADDR2. x x x x Secondary DNS server addressDOMAIN_NAME. Domain name, defining the domain to which this AXIS5500/AXIS 5550 belongsSLP_SCOPE_LIST. DEFAULT Defines the SLP scope to which this print server be-longsSMTP_SERVER. Mail server to use for e-mail notificationFTP_ENB. YES (YES, NO) FTP EnabledTELNET_ENB. YES (YES, NO) Telnet EnabledDEFAULT_RAW_TCP. 9100-9101 (9100-9101, CLOSED) Default port for raw TCP (See also “TCP Ports Openedfor Raw Printing” on page 119.)RTN_OPT. NO (YES, NO) Reverse Telnet options EnabledRTEL_PR1. 0 PR1 Reverse Telnet Port NumberRTEL_PR2. 0 PR2 Reverse Telnet Port NumberRTEL_PR3. 0 PR3 Reverse Telnet Port Number