The Parameter List110 AXIS 5500 / AXIS 5550 User’s ManualSNMP Menu In the print server’s Web interface, select Admin | Network Settings | DetailedView | SNMP.NetWare Menu In the print server’s Web interface, select Admin | Network Settings | DetailedView | NetWare.RTEL_PR4. 0 PR4 Reverse Telnet Port NumberRTEL_PR5. 0 PR5 Reverse Telnet Port NumberRTEL_PR6. 0 PR6 Reverse Telnet Port NumberRTEL_PR7. 0 PR7 Reverse Telnet Port NumberRTEL_PR8. 0 PR8 Reverse Telnet Port NumberParameter Default value (Possible values) CommentsSNMP_ENB. YES SNMP traffic enabled/disabledSNMP_V1_CONFIG. YES SNMP parameter configuration enabled/disabledREAD_COM. public Read CommunityWRT_COM. pass Read/Write CommunityTRAPADDR. 0 0 0 0 Trap AddressTRAP_COM. public Trap CommunitySYS_NAME. System NameSNMP_AUT. DISABLE (DISABLE, ENABLE) Authentication Failure TrapTRAP_PRT. DISABLE (DISABLE, ENABLE) Printer Failure TrapParameter Default value (Possible values) CommentsNETW_ENB. YES (YES, NO) NetWare EnabledNETW_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOL. DUAL_STACK (IPX_ONLY, IP_ONLY, DUAL_STACK) NetWare Transport protocol and NDPS types to usewhen NETW_ENB. is enabled. See “NetWare Parame-ter Combinations” on page 118 for additional infor-mationNDPS. TCP_AND_SPX (TCP_AND_SPX, TCP_ONLY, SPX_ONLY,DISABLED)JOB_CHECK_DELAY. 5 Print server queue polling intervalCONF_CHECK_DELAY. 300 Interval between automatic configuration checksFR_802_3. YES (YES, NO) IEEE 802.3 Frame Type EnabledFR_ETH_2. YES (YES, NO) Ethernet II Frame Type EnabledFR_802_2. YES (YES, NO) IEEE 802.2 Frame Type EnabledFR_SNAP. YES (YES, NO) SNAP Frame Type EnabledNCP_BURST_MODE. YES (YES, NO) NCP Burst Mode Enabled (Requires Restart)PSERVER_NDS_TREE.The PSERVER_NDS parameters specify which NDStree or file server the AXIS 5500/AXIS 5550 will log into. It also specifies the path to the print server objectin the tree.PSERVER_NDS_FILESERVER.PSERVER_NDS_DISTINGUISHED_NAME.