Configuration Possibilities90 AXIS 5500 / AXIS 5550 User’s ManualRead Back ofinformationThe AXIS 5500/AXIS 5550 supports bi-directional printing. The informationfrom the printer is read back on the parallel port when the parameter ReadBack Port (PRx_IN.) has the default setting of AUTO. However, it is requiredthat the printer also supports bi-directional printing.Please refer to your printer documentation for further details regarding bi-directional printing support.Example: Follow the instructions below to disable the bi-directional communication forlogical printer PR1:1. From the print server’s internal Web page, select Admin | LogicalPrinters.2. Select the PR1 tab.3. Set the Read Back Port parameter to NONE.4. Click the OK button.Debugging using theHex Dump ModeWhen hex dump mode is enabled, the print data is printed as hexadecimal bytevalues rather than characters; printer control commands are also printed as hexvalues. This allows you to inspect what control and print characters are actuallybeing sent to the printer, which is a useful debugging facility for more difficultprinting problems.Example: Follow the instructions below to enable the hex dump mode for PR3:1. From the print server’s internal Web page, select Admin | LogicalPrinters.2. Select the PR3 tab.3. Set the Hex Dump Mode Enabled radio button to YES.4. Click OK.Note:Network SpeedWith the Network Speed parameter you can manually specify the speed atwhich you will send and receive network packages. You can change theNetwork Speed setting to correspond to the type of network you are using (10or 100 Mbit).To change the Network Speed in an Ethernet network, log in to the printserver’s internal Web pages and click Admin | General Settings =>Change.From here, you have the option of setting the network speed to:The page length for hex dump printouts is determined by the lines per pagevalue of the PostScript page format parameter.Network Speed Comment