R5911443 /02 UDM100The RGB Adjustment menu is displayed.Image 8-65: RGB Adjustment menu2. Select one of the three sliders.3. Use the left and right arrow keys to modify the gain of the chosen color.4. Repeat for every slider until the desired result is achieved on screen.8.9 Laser illuminationWhat can be done?Within a certain percentage, the light output of the light source can be reduced by reducing the laser power.Alternatively, you can enable CLO mode (Constant light output) for a constant light output over a longer periodof time.You can only change the power output when the shutter is opened.About CLO modeAll light sources naturally decrease their intensity over time. In order to prevent a decreasing output in a multi-projector setup, you can activate CLO mode to make sure that the light output remains constant.CLO mode will ensure that the projector regulates its illumination power to maintain the same level of outputlight during the lifetime of the light source. This requires that the light source power is not set to 100% from thestart, but to a lower value. The lower this value is set, the longer the projector will be able to maintain theoutput level.How to reduce the power1. In the main menu, select Installation → Illumination → Power.Image 8-66: Illumination menu, PowerThe actual power setting is indicated at the bottom of the Power button.2. Use the Slider to change the power value.GUI – Installation