R5911443 /02 UDM982. Enable the Black level button. If you want a visual aid, enable the Show lines button as well.3. Move the cursor to the side where the overlapped area occurs (left/right/top/bottom) and press enter.4. Adjust the level with the arrow keys and press enter when the desired black level zone is reached.orenter the black level value with the numeric keys in the remote control.5. Move the cursor to “Level”, press enter and adjust this level until the black level equals the level in the blendzone.This value can also be entered by the numeric keys on the remote control.6. Repeat the same procedure for any other projector connected to this projector, but on the opposite side.Note: Do not forget to disable the Show lines button after you achieved the desired blend zone.8.8.4 Black Level FilesAbout custom Black Level FilesNext to setting your specific Black Level Adjustment in the GUI, you can also upload or download a customBlack Level adjustment file in png, jpeg or tiff format to/from the projector.To upload or download Black Level adjustment files you can use Projector Toolset or upload/download theBlack Level adjustment file in the format of an XML file. Alternatively, you can contact the “file endpoint”directly via the curl program or some other tool that supports http upload.For more information on uploading/downloading Black Level files using the Projector Toolset, refer to theProjector Toolset user manual.For more information on uploading/downloading Black Level files using curl or other tools that supports HTTPupload, refer to the Pulse API Reference Guide.How to activate an uploaded Black Level adjustment file?1. In the main menu, select Installation → Blend and Mask → Black Level → Black Level Files.Image 8-60: Black Level menu, Black Level FilesThe Black Level Files menu is displayed.Image 8-612. If any custom Black Level adjustment files are available, select the desired file.GUI – Installation