WARNING!Risk of death for unauthorized persons in thedanger zones and work areasThere are hazards in the working range that only quali-fied personnel can safely assess and avert. Those whoare unauthorized and do not comply with the describedrequirements face the risk of severe injuries and evendeath.– Always keep unauthorized individuals away fromthe danger zone and work area.– If in doubt, address people and direct them out ofthe danger zone or work area.– Always interrupt work as long as unauthorized indi-viduals are in the danger zone or work area.The owner must train personnel regularly. Training takes placeannually for safety-relevant aspects. For improved monitoring, atraining record with the following minimum content must be cre-ated:n Date of trainingn Name of traineen Training contentn Name of trainern Signatures of the trainee and trainer2.11 Personal protective equipmentPersonal protective equipment serves to protect people fromimpairments to health and safety during work.During different types of work on and with the PF55S, personnelmust wear the personal protective equipment specifically referredto in the individual sections of this manual.Protective work clothingProtective work clothing is defined as close fitting work clothingwith low tear resistance, tight, long sleeves and no protrudingparts.Safety bootsSafety boots protect feet from being crushed, from falling parts andfrom slipping on slippery surfaces.Unauthorized personsTrainingDescription of personal protectiveequipmentSafety and responsibilityPersonal protective equipment05.03.2020Flow sensor PF55S18