7.6.5 Alarms menuThe functionality and available capabilities of the flowsensor vary depending on the order configuration andtype code.Depending on the configuration of the flow sensor oractivated functions, individual menus and selectionfunctions may differ from the representations or behidden.Menu Description Password level /BCP commandMax.thr+ Maximum value for positive flowIf the maximum value for the positive flowexceeds the set value, an alarm message isgenerated.The value of this parameter is set as a per-centage (0 - 125%) of the scale end value.If the parameter is 0, the alarm generation isdeactivated.L 3 FRAXPMax.thr- Maximum value for negative flowIf the maximum value for the negative flowexceeds the set value, an alarm message isgenerated.The value of this parameter is set as a per-centage (0 - 125%) of the scale end value.If the parameter is 0, the alarm generation isdeactivated.L 3 FRAXNMin.thr+ Minimum value for positive flowIf the minimum value for the positive flow fallsbelow the set value, an alarm message is gen-erated.The value of this parameter is set as a per-centage (0 - 125%) of the scale end value.If the parameter is 0, the alarm generation isdeactivated.L 3 FRANPOperationMenu navigation > Alarms menu05.03.2020 Flow sensor PF55S 71