Menu Description Password level /BCP commandCal.verify Automatic calibration functionThis feature should only be used for large tem-perature ranges.L 3 ACAVEAutorange Automatic change of the measuring rangeTwo different working ranges allow variableadaptation to different process conditions.It must be ensured that Scale end value 2 FS2is greater than Scale end value 1 FS1.When the flow rate increases and reaches100% of Scale end value 1 FS1, the systemautomatically switches toScale end value 2 FS2.When the flow rate decreases and theScale end value 2 FS2 reaches a value equiva-lent to 90 % of Scale end value 1 FS1, thesystem automatically switches toScale end value 1 FS1.This feature does not increase the accuracy ofthe measurement.The goal is to increase the 4/20 mA resolutionwhen the sensor measures at very low flowrates.L 3 ARNGEThe choice of damping filter, depending on the system require-ments, is crucial for the accurate measurement of flow rate.The selection SMART is the recommended setting for the dampingof the measured values.With this adaptive damping filter, the sensor can respond veryquickly to changes in flow, while being precise and stable with slowfluctuations in flow.With inactive damping OFF, successive values cause an increasingdamping of the measured values.Damping filtersSmartDamping filter deactivatedOperationMenu navigation > Measure menu05.03.2020 Flow sensor PF55S 69