en_BA_OxE7_PosCon3D.docx 34/64 Baumer Electric AG17.07.2014 14:21/tof V1.01 ANW_81125407 Frauenfeld, Switzerland5.8 FLEX MOUNTThe sensor can be mounted at an inclination angle of up to 30°. To adapt the coordinate system of the sensorto this circumstance, the new angle must be saved in the sensor memory.In the FLEX MOUNT function, the inclination angle and the distance from the reference surface areautomatically measured and saved in the sensor memory so that the coordinate system can be rotatedcorrectly. It is important that the taught-in surface is even and covers as much of the entire measuring range ofthe sensor as possible.This function is required when- the angle to the reference surface is unknown- standard installation (right angle to the reference surface or the object)is not present- the reference surface is to be taught in and shifted automatically- the required accuracy of the measurement results will not be achieved otherwise- the background is to be suppressedEffects- The coordinate system is rotated by the current inclination angle- The reference surface is taught in; the reference point (distance of 250 mm from the sensor) is nolonger valid- Objects behind the reference surface are ignored- The axes are no longer referred to as X and Z but as K and M- When this function is activated, this is indicated by an angle symbol on the left side of the displayAngle 0 … -30°Standard installation FLEX MOUNTAngled installationFLEX MOUNTAngled installationAngle +30 … 0°Reference surfaceM KDistance from thereference surface180 … 250 mmDistance from thereference surface180 … 250 mm