en_BA_OxE7_PosCon3D.docx 6/64 Baumer Electric AG17.07.2014 14:21/tof V1.01 ANW_81125407 Frauenfeld, Switzerland2.2 InstallationStandard installationIn standard installation, the sensor is mounted at aright angle to the reference surface or the object. Thesensor is not taught into the reference surface soconfiguration is very easy and straightforward.This installation method is recommended even if thereference surface cannot be taught in for somereason or another.Angled installationIn angled installation, the sensor can be mountedat an angle of up to +/- 30° in relation to thereference surface. This installation method is usedwhen space conditions do not allow any otherinstallation option or the mounting angle is notknown.Align the sensor as accurately as possible at a rightangle to the reference surface (background) or to theobject (if there is no reference surface in themeasuring field). The object must be within themeasuring field, i.e. the distance from the sensormust be between 150 and 250 mm.The sensor may be mounted at an angle inclinedmaximally 30° to the left or to the right of thereference surface (background) or to the object (ifthere is no reference surface in the measuringfield).The reference surface (background) or the objectmust be within the measuring field, i.e. thedistance from the sensor must be between 150and 250 mm.2NOTEThe "Edge L rise or Edge R rise" mode can be used as an aid to find the zero point.Now an object is slowly pushed toward the presumed zero point. The zero point isreached by the left rising edge of the object when the value 0 mm is shown on thesensor display and the yellow LED switches..0 mm+62.5 mm@250 mm-62.5 mm@250 mmrightleft150 mm<100 mmMeasuringfield0 mm +54.6 mm@250 mm-73.0 mm@250 mmrightleft0 mm150 mmMeasuringfield+/-30°<100 mmReference surface