en_BA_OxE7_PosCon3D.docx 43/64 Baumer Electric AG17.07.2014 14:21/tof V1.01 ANW_81125407 Frauenfeld, Switzerland5.10 DIGITAL OUTWith Pin 4 (out), the user has a configurable switching outputwhich can be defined as an individual switch point or as a window. Pin 4 is activated when the value (point orwindow) is exceeded or not reached (active high or active low depending on the setting). For a reliableswitching signal, the hysteresis is 0.5 mm.5.10.1 DIGITAL OUTWhether Pin 4 is to be operated as a point (with a switch point) or as a window (window function) is definedhere.5.10.2 SWITCH POINTThe switch point is selected in mm using the arrow keys. The point must be within the measuring range.5.10.3 WINDOW P1Window point 1 (for the WINDOW mode) is selected in mm using the arrow keys. The point must be within themeasuring range. The window must be> 2 mm.5.10.4 WINDOW P2Window point 2 (for the WINDOW mode) is selected in mm using the arrow keys. The point must be within themeasuring range. The window must be> 2 mm.5.10.5 OUTPUT LEVELThe output can be set to active high or active low here (inverted).WINDOW POINT 10 mmDIGITAL OUTPUT: Point DIGITAL OUTPUT: Window0 mmSWITCH POINTmmWINDOW POINT 2WINDOWOUTPUT LEVEL: Active highOUTPUT LEVEL: Active lowSignal highSignal lowSignal highSignal lowAreaminus (-)Areaplus (+)Areaminus (-)Areaplus (+)Left RightLeft Right