96BTTracer Protocol Analyzer User’s ManualCATC Version 1.0• Wrap: Inhibits carriage returns in packets when they exceed the width of thewindow.• Trace Viewing Level: Enables different levels of transaction to be displayed.• Display Configuration Name: A Comment field associated with the *.opt filecontaining the current Display Options values. You can also create and storeyour unique Display Options for future use.• Fonts: Allows field fonts and data fonts to be changed. The fonts can beitalisized and/or bolded by pressing the I and/or B buttons.Trace Viewing LevelTrace Viewing Level allows BTTracer to display ten levels of transaction:• PacketPacket is the default selection.• LMP Messages• L2CAP Messages• STP Messages• STP Protocol• TCS Messages• TCS Protocol• RFCOMM Protocol• OBEX Protocol• AT Commands Protocol• HDLC Frames• PPP• BNEPChanging the TraceView LevelTo change theTrace Viewing Level, use the decode buttons on the toolbar or select acheckbox in the Display Options dialog box.For further details on these viewing levels, see the Chapter 7: DecodingHigher Protocols.Creating New Display Options FilesTo create a new Display Options file,Step 1 Enter a comment for the new file in the DisplayConfiguration Name field.