134BTTracer Protocol Analyzer User’s ManualCATC Version 1.0Step 6 Press OK.The trace should reposition to the first DM1 or Poll packet that has anActive Member address of 7.Exclude all DM1 and Poll Packets with Active Member Addresses of 7.Step 1 Select Packet Types from the From the Event GroupStep 2 Select DM1 and Poll from the box on the right.Step 3 Select Header AM_Addr from the Event Group.Step 4 Select AM_Addr=7 from the box on the right.Step 5 From the Center area, select Intersection and ExclusionStep 6 Press OK.The trace will redisplay so that it excludes DM1 packets with AM_Addr=7 andPoll packets with AM_Addr=7.Exclude all packets with ANY of the following attributes: DM1, Poll, orAM_Addr=7.Step 1 Select Packet Types from the Event Groups.Step 2 Select DM1 and Poll from the box on the right.Step 3 Select Header AM_Addr from Event Group.Step 4 Select AM_Addr=7 from the box on the rightStep 5 Select Union and Exclusion.Selecting Union causes the analyzer to search for any of the selectedevents.Step 6 Press OK.The trace will redisplay so that it excludes DM1s, Polls, or any packet withAM_Addr=7.Find NextTo apply the previous Find parameters to the next search,• Select Find Next under Search on the Menu BarORClick on the Tool Bar.