Black plate (51,1)Cadillac CTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-MidEast-8087697) - 2015 -crc - 6/17/14Seats and Restraints 3-51the instructions that come with thechild restraint say that the top strapmust be anchored.When using the lap-shoulder belt tosecure the child restraint in thisposition, follow the instructions thatcame with the child restraint and thefollowing instructions:1. Move the seat rearward as farback as it will go and raise theseat upward as far up as it willgo, before securing theforward-facing child restraint.When the passenger sensingsystem has turned off the frontoutboard passenger frontalairbag and knee airbag, the offindicator on the passengerairbag status indicator shouldlight and stay lit when you startthe vehicle. See PassengerAirbag Status Indicator onpage 5-17.2. Put the child restraint onthe seat.3. Pick up the latch plate, and runthe lap and shoulder portions ofthe vehicle's safety belt throughor around the restraint. The childrestraint instructions will showyou how.Tilt the latch plate to adjust thebelt if needed.4. Push the latch plate into thebuckle until it clicks.Position the release button onthe buckle so that the safety beltcould be quickly unbuckled ifnecessary.