COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. CANON CLC1000/1000S/3100 REV.2 MAY 2001 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON) 3-1133. OPERATION AND TIMINGd. Detecting the Image DensityLike carriers, the Bk toner absorbs infrared light, allowing the measurement of the density of the tonerlayer on the developing cylinder. Bk toner is supplied based on the amount of consumption computed withreference to the count of the video signals carrying a Bk component. As shown in Figure 3-541, the videosignals from the image processor are counted to obtain a cumulative count by the video data counter.Figure 3-541Y,M,C,BkY,M,C,BkBkVideo controller PCBVideo signalVideo signalVideo data counterCumulative countDC controllerCL4CL5Toner supply signalBk toner supplyclutch (upper)Bk toner supplyclutch (lower)Image processor PCBLaser driver PCB