7-114 COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. CANON CLC1000/1000S/3100 REV.2 MAY 2001 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)7. TROUBLESHOOTING IMAGE FAULTS/MALFUNCTIONSb. E075=0005, 0006, 0007, 000823 E075• Check the detail code of ‘E075’ using ‘JAM/ERR’ under ‘DISPLAY’ in service mode.a. E075=0001, 0002, 0003, 0004CauseTransfer beltedge sensor(PS17, PS18,PS19, PS20)DC controllerPCBTransfer beltshifting motor(M12)DC controllerPCBStep123ChecksIs the sensor represented by thedetail code in question normal?(See the instructions on how tocheck photointerrupters.)Operate the transfer belt shiftingmotor in service mode. Is operationnoise heard?Replace the motor. Is the problemcorrected?Yes/NoNOYESYESNOActionCheck the operation; ifnormal; replace thesensor.Check the drive systemand the wiring; if normal,replace the DC controllerPCB.End.Replace the DC controllerPCB.CauseTransfer beltedge sensor(PS17, PS18,PS19, PS20; flagoperation)Transfer beltedge sensorDC controllerPCBStep12ChecksIs the sensor represented by thedetail code in question normal?(See the instructions on how tocheck photointerrupters.)Is the sensor normal? (See theinstructions on how to checkphotointerrupters.)Yes/NoNONOYESActionCheck the malfunctionpart, and remove thecause.Check the wiring from theDC controller PCB to thesensor; if normal, replacethe sensor.Replace the DC controllerPCB.