Responding to MessagesError MessagesWarning messagesWarning messages are shown on lines 2-4 of the Display Screen.Although warning messages do not prevent printer operation, you should check the message and takethe appropriate action.• GARO Wxxxx (x represents a number) (→P.784)• Close Ink Tank Cover (→P.776)• Ink tank is empty. Replace the ink tank. (→P.775)• No ink tank loaded. (→P.774)• Ink Level: Check (→P.774)• End of paper feed. (→P.771)• Prepare for parts replacement. (→P.785)• Parts replacement time has passed. (→P.785)• Problem with Printhead x (x is L, R, or LR) (→P.780)• Mail box full. Now printing without saving data. (→P.782)• Mail box nearly full. (→P.782)• Mail box full. Delete unwanted data (→P.782)• Turn on the media take-up unit. (→P.773)• Prepare for maint cart replacement. (→P.781)• Paper Mismatch (→P.765)• Papr Size Mismatch (→P.766)• Papr Type Mismatch (→P.765)Error messages (if action can be taken)Check the message and take the appropriate action.• Ink tank is empty. Press OK and replace ink tank. (→P.775)• Ink insufcient. (→P.775)• Ink tank error. (→P.776)• No ink tank loaded. (→P.774)• Top cover is open. (→P.784)• Sheet printing is selected. (→P.768)• Regular printing is selected, but a roll is loaded. (→P.768)• No sheets. (→P.767)• Carriage Cover is open. (→P.784)• Cannot calibrate. (→P.778)• Insufcient paper for job (→P.767)• Use another paper. (→P.777)• This paper cannot be used. (→P.766)• Cannot print as specied. (→P.777)• Hard disk error. (→P.783)• Cannot adjust band. (→P.777)• Unknown le. (→P.785)• File read error. (→P.783)• Borderless printng not possible. (→P.769)• x printhead error (x is Left or Right) (→P.780)• x printhead needs cleaning. (x is Left or Right) (→P.779)• PHeads: wrong pos. (→P.779)Error Message 763