Scanning8-12Basic Scanning Operations6 Start the TWAIN-compliant application toselect Color Network ScanGear as thescanner to be used.The command names for this operationincludes [Select a scanner], [Select a device],etc. depending on the application you areusing. For details, see the documentation thatcomes with the application software used.For the operation procedures for starting theColor Network ScanGear driver to scan imagesfrom an application software, see “Scan,” in thee-Manual. You will find the operationprocedures using Microsoft Word 2007 and2003.7 From the menu of the applicationsoftware, select the command to start theColor Network ScanGear driver.The command names for this operation includes[New scan], [Import from TWAIN source], etc.depending on the application you are using. Fordetails, see the documentation that comes withthe application software used.When you select the command to start the ColorNetwork ScanGear driver, and if it does not startand an error message such as “Scanner is notconnected.” appears, check if all the setups arecomplete for scanning originals from a computer.(See “Introduction to Using Scanner Functions,” onp. 8-4.)––8 On the Color Network ScanGear [Main]sheet, select [Platen], [Feeder (1-sided)],or [Feeder (2-sided)] from [OriginalPlacement] according to the location ofthe original placed in step 5.If [Platen] is selected, clicking on [Preview] allowsyou to see the preview image of your scan.9 On the [Main] and [Options] sheets, selectthe desired settings for Color Mode,Resolution, etc.For more information on the settings on eachsheet, see the Online Help (displayed when theHelp icon on the toolbar is clicked).