6-8 Speed Dialling Chapter 6Registering Coded Speed DiallingBy registering a fax/telephone number under a coded speed dialling code, you cansimplify dialling of that number to pressing Coded Dial and entering the registered two-digit code.When you register coded speed dialling, you will:– assign one of the 100 codes for the fax/telephone number you want to register.– register the fax/telephone number under that coded speed dialling code.– register a name for the coded speed dialling code. This name appears in speeddialling lists, in reports, and at the top of the recipient’s fax if you use memory sending(1 p. 7-5).– set the transmission type for the fax number you have registered. You can set asubaddress and/or password if the other party’s fax machine requires these settings.Follow this procedure to register coded speed dialling:1 Open the one-touch speed dial panel.2 Press Data Registration.3 Use ∂ or ¨ to select TELREGISTRATION.4 Press Set.5 Use ∂ or ¨ to select CODED SPEEDDIAL.6 Press Set. Ex:7 Use ∂ or ¨ to select the coded speed Ex:dialling code (00 to 99) under whichyou want to register the fax/telephonenumber.• Alternatively, press Coded Dial and usethe numeric buttons to enter the code.• If a coded speed dialling code hasalready been registered, the numberregistered under that code appears.• If a group is already registered under acoded speed dialling code, GROUPDIAL appears.A01=A00=CODED SPEED DIAL1-TOUCH SPD DIALTEL REGISTRATIONDATA REGSTRATION