123456789Back NextPreviousTOP7-17Before Using theMachineDocument and PaperSending andReceivingCopyingPrintingSystem ManagerSettingsMaintenanceTroubleshootingAppendixIndexTable of ContentsRecycling Used CartridgesCanon has instituted a worldwide recyclingprogram for cartridges called “The CleanEarth Campaign”. This program preservesprecious natural resources by utilizinga variety of materials found in the usedcartridges that are of no further use, toremanufacture new cartridges which, at thesame time, keeps the environment cleanerby reducing landfill waste. Complete detailsconcerning this program are enclosed ineach Cartridge box.The Clean Earth CampaignTHE Canon CARTRIDGE RECYCLING PROGRAMThe Canon Cartridge Recycling Program fulfills the first initiativeof Canon’s Clean Earth Campaign, which supports four criticalenvironmental areas:Recycling in the WorkplaceConserving Environmental ResourcesScientific Research and EducationEncouraging Outdoors Appreciation––––The remaining “Clean Earth” initiatives are supported in the U.S.through sponsorships of the National Park Foundation, the NationalWildlife Federation, and The Nature Conservancy and in Canadathrough donations to the World Wildlife Fund Canada and TheNature Conservancy of Canada.Since its inception, The Canon Cartridge Recycling Program hascollected huge amount of cartridges that otherwise would havebeen discarded into landfills or similar facilities. Instead, this rapidlygrowing program returns used cartridges to the manufacturingprocess, thus conserving an array of resources.Becoming a part of this worthwhile program is easy. When yourcartridge is of no further use, simply follow the instructions detailedfor U.S. or Canadian residents.We appreciate your support of The Canon Cartridge RecyclingProgram.Working together we can make a significant contribution to acleaner planet.