MonthWeekDayTime (24 hour)()Savings>Check the messageSet the date andtimePerform a hard Reset (Performing a Hard Reset(P. 451))End Date/TimeSpecifiesthe end date and time of daylight saving time.MonthWeekDayTime (24 hour)()Savings>Check the messageSet the date andtimePerform a hard reset (Performing a Hard Reset(P. 451))Time ZoneSpecifiesthe time zone according to the region where the machine is being used.GMT-12:00 to GMT 00:00to GMT+12:00()Check the messageSet the time zonePerform a hard reset (Performing a Hard Reset(P. 451))Main Pwr Quick StartIf you specify the quick startup settings, you can reduce the time from when the power switch is pressed until thescreens become operable.Performing a Quick Start of the Machine(P. 35)OffOnSetting Menu List368