11-11TroubleshootngMessage Description ActionNOT AVAILABLE NOW You have specfed thegroup dalng when the lnes off the hook.You have specfed the one-touch key or coded dal codethat has regstered wthother than fax number whenthe lne s off the hook.The regstered group salready nested for threelevels of subgroups (e.g., agroup regstered n a groupn a group n a group).You pressed the one-touchkey or coded dal code thathas already been regstered,when you are regsternggroup addresses.You pressed the groupdalng that has already beenregstered, when you areregsterng a one-touch orcoded dal address.–––––Specfy the recpent otherthan group dalng.Make sure that the lne sdsconnected.You cannot regster a groupto contan more than threelevels of subgroups. Modfythe group so that t contansthree levels of groups or less.Regster the one-touch keyor coded dal code that snot used.––––NOT REGISTERED No destnaton s regstered forthe one-touch key or codeddal code you pressed.Regster the destnatonsbefore usng the Address Bookfuncton.NO PAPER (RECIPIENT) No paper s loaded n therecpents fax machne.Have the recpent reload therfax machne wth paper.OUTPUT TRAY FULL The paper delvery tray s full ofpaper.Remove the prntouts from thepaper delvery tray.OVER PAGE LIMIT You cannot prnt becausethe set page lmt for etherscans, prnts, or copes n thedepartment ID managementfuncton has been reached.Contact your system manager.PAPER JAMOPEN LEFT COVERPaper jams have occurred nthe machne.Open the left cover andremove the jammed paper.(See "Paper Jams," on p.11-4.)The cover must be opened andclosed to resume the currentjob.