Machne Settngs12-32ADJUST./CLEANINGSetting Item Description1. TRANS. ROLR CLEAN Cleans the transcrpton roller. (See “Transcrpton Roller,” on p.10-10.)2. FIX.UNIT CLEANING Cleans the fuser roller. (See “Fuser Roller,” on p. 10-6.)3. FEEDER CLEANING Cleans the ADF. (See "Cleanng the ADF Automatcally," on p.10-9.)4. SPECIAL MODE M Sets to mprove prnt qualty or fx rregular prnt densty. If prntqualty decreases or an rregularty n the prnt densty appears,transcrpton output may not functon adequately.MID Selects n normal condtons.LOW Selects to compensate for poor prnt qualty that occurs whenusng paper that was stored for a long tme at hgh temperaturesand hgh humdty.HIGH Selects to compensate for poor qualty that occurs when usngheavyweght paper.5. SPECIAL MODE N When the two-sded prntng functon s used, paper may curlseverely or become jammed. Enable ths settng to preventpaper curlng or jammng.OFFON––6. SPECIAL MODE P Sets to actvate when lghtweght paper or paper whch s easyto get uneven prnt densty s used for prntng.OFFON––7. SPECIAL MODE Q Enable ths settng f black or whte spots appear on the prntedmage.OFFON––8. SPECIAL MODE R Sets whether to prevent whte streaks from appearng onthe prnted mage. When you prnt the halftone mage orphotograph after the machne has not undergone any operatonfor a whle, the frst page of prntouts may have thn whtestreaks on the prnted mage.OFFON––