Machne Settngs12-46SYSTEM SETTINGS5. STATELESS ADD. 4 Checks the stateless address 4.1. IP ADDRESS2. PREFIX LENGTH––6. STATELESS ADD. 5 Checks the stateless address 5.1. IP ADDRESS2. PREFIX LENGTH––7. STATELESS ADD. 6 Checks the stateless address 6.1. IP ADDRESS2. PREFIX LENGTH––8. STATEFUL ADDRESS Checks the stateful address.1. IP ADDRESS2. PREFIX LENGTH––9. DEF. ROUTER ADD Confrm the default router address.10. DOMAIN NAME Checks the doman name.11. HOST NAME Checks the host name.7. E-MAIL/I-FAX ** Sets detaled settngs for e-mal/I-fax.1. SMTP RX Sets whether to receve e-mal usng the machne’s own SMTPrecevng functon.OFFON––2. SMTP SERVER Regsters the host name of the machne wth the DNS server.3. POP Sets whether to receve e-mal usng a POP server.OFFON––4. AUTH/ENC SETTINGS Specfes authentcatng method before sendng e-mal.1. POP BEFORE SEND Sets whether to use the SMTP server requres POP before SMTP(method for authentcatng users who have logged n the POPserver before sendng e-mal).OFFON––2. SMTP AUTH Sets whether to use the SMTP server requres SMTPAuthentcaton (method for authentcatng users who havelogged n the POP server before sendng e-mal).OFF Dsables SMTP Authentcaton.ON Enables SMTP Authentcaton.1. USER2. PASSWORD––5. E-MAIL ADDRESS Enters the e-mal address your machne wll use (max. 64characters).6. POP SERVER Enters the POP server IP address or name (max. 48 characters).