12-23Machne SettngsADDRESS BOOK SET.2. NAME Regsters the recpent’s name (max. 16 characters, ncludngspaces).IFAX * Regsters I-fax addresses.1. I-FAX ADDRESS Regsters the recpent's I-fax address (max. 120 dgts).2. NAME Regsters the recpent's name (max. 16 characters, ncludngspaces).FTP * Regsters FTP addresses.1. HOST NAME Regsters the name of the fle server (max. 120 characters).2. NAME Regsters the recpent's name (max. 16 characters, ncludngspaces).3. FILE PATH Regsters the path to the fle server (max. 120 characters).4. LOGIN NAME Regsters the logn name to access the fle server (max. 24characters).5. PASSWORD Regsters the password to access the fle server (max. 24characters).SMB * Regsters SMB addresses.1. HOST NAME Regsters the name of the fle server (max. 120 characters).2. NAME Regsters the recpent’s name (max. 16 characters, ncludngspaces).3. FILE PATH Regsters the path to the fle server (max. 120 characters).4. LOGIN NAME Regsters the logn name to access the fle server (max. 24characters).5. PASSWORD Regsters the password to access the fle server (max. 14characters).3. CODED SPD DIAL Regsters the destnatons for coded dal codes. Up to 100destnatons can be regstered. (See “Storng/Edtng One-TouchKeys/Coded Dal Codes,” on p. 4-13.)FAX Regsters fax numbers.1. TEL NUMBER ENTRY Regsters the recpent’s fax number (max. 120 dgts, ncludngspaces).2. NAME Regsters the recpent’s name (max. 16 characters, ncludngspaces).3. OPTIONAL SETTING Sets the optonal settngs for sendng faxes.OFF The optonal settng s not set.ON The optonal settng s set.