13-9AppendxCheckng and Deletng Sendng DocumentsStored n Memory 4-87Checkng Counter Informaton 9-14Checkng Dalng Lne 4-82Checkng Recepton Results 5-30Checkng Remanng Memory 12-64Checkng the Job Log 9-32Checkng Transmsson Results 4-86Cleanng the ADF Automatcally 10-9Cleanng the Machne 10-2ADF 10-7Cleanng the ADF Automatcally 10-9Exteror 10-2Fuser Roller 10-6Interor 10-3Scannng area 10-7Transcrpton Roller 10-10Clearng Jams 11-2Document Jams 11-3Paper Jams 11-4Clearng Page Totals 9-16Clear key 1-5Coded dal codesDeletng One-Touch Keys/Coded Dal Codes4-28Edtng One-Touch Keys/Coded Dal Codes4-25Storng/Edtng One-Touch Keys/Coded DalCodes 4-13Usng Coded Dal Codes 4-46Coded Dal key 1-7Collate Copy 3-7Color ndcator 1-5Condtons à Remplr Préalablement àL’nstallaton d’un Télécopeur Canon xxxConfrmng Entered Fax Numbers 9-30Connecton of the Equpment xxvContents vCoper 13-6Copy/Fax key 1-6Copy Features Copyng Problems 11-35Copy jobCancelng Copy Jobs 3-19Checkng and Deletng Copy Jobs 3-20Copy key 1-4Copy Mode 1-9Copyrght xxCustomer SupportCustomer Support (Canada) xxCustomer Support (U.S.A.) xxCustomer Support (Canada) xxCustomer Support (U.S.A.) xxDDelayed Sendng 4-67Delayed TX key 1-7DeletngCheckng and Deletng Copy Jobs 3-20Checkng and Deletng Jobs 3-20Checkng and Deletng Prnt Jobs 6-4Checkng and Deletng Recevng DocumentsStored n Memory 5-31Checkng and Deletng Report Jobs 12-63Checkng and Deletng Sendng DocumentsStored n Memory 4-87Deletng Destnaton from Group 4-38Deletng Group Addresses 4-42Deletng One-Touch Keys/Coded Dal Codes4-28Deletng Destnaton from Group 4-38Deletng Group Addresses 4-42Deletng One-Touch Keys/Coded Dal Codes4-28Densty 3-5Densty ndcator 1-4Densty key 1-4Department/User ID Management 1-11