Wi-Fi Functions 127friends and family, and more! To use this function, you will need anaccess point connected to the Internet.* Availability differs from area to area.** “Web services” is used in this text to refer to various Internet services supportedby CANON iMAGE GATEWAY.General requirements• Computer with the supplied software ImageBrowser EX andCameraWindow correctly installed. For details on installing the soft-ware, refer toSaving MP4 Movies and Photos (Windows/Mac OS)(A 110).• Completed free registration online for CANON iMAGE GATEWAY.• Account settings for YouTube, Facebook and Twitter (depending on theservices you plan to use).Setting the Desired Web Services in the CamcorderUsing the supplied software CameraWindow, log in to CANON iMAGEGATEWAY and set the Web services you want to use. Refer to‘CameraWindow Instruction Manual’ for details on using the software.Operating modes:Wireless router(Access point)CANON iMAGE GATEWAYCANON iMAGE GATEWAY is a site that providesvarious photo-related services for owners ofqualified Canon products. After you complete thefree registration online, you can use the Web ser-vices, create online photo albums, and more.Visit Canon’s Web site for information on registra-tion and countries/regions where you can usethis service.http://canon.com/cigSCNCOPYDownloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals