How the folders to save scanned data and files are named● When scanning is complete, a folder is automatically created in the USB memory device to save thescanned data. Folders and files are named as follows.FolderNameThe "SCAN_00" folder is created and up to 100 files are saved in the folder. The folders"SCAN_01" to "SCAN_99" are then created when the current folder becomes full of 100 files.FileNameFile names from "SCAN0000.XXX" to "SCAN9999.XXX" are given to the scanned data files ("XXX"is the extension for the file format such as "JPG"). For the first two numerical digits, the samenumber is allotted as that of the folder number in which the files are saved. For example, Thefifth JPEG file stored in the "SCAN_01" folder is named "SCAN0105.JPG".7 Tap .8 Disconnect the USB memory device from the USB port.1 Press .2 Press .3 Tap .4 Tap .➠ Wait until the message is displayed.5 Disconnect the USB memory device.● If you always want to scan with the same settings: Changing Default Settings(P. 130)Using the Machine as a Scanner334