2-6 Printing With the MultiPASS C635 Chapter 2N From the Chooser you can enable or disable SpoolMaster™, thebackground printing software. When Background Printing is on, youcan continue using your computer while you print. When BackgroundPrinting is off, you must wait until your print job finishes before you canuse your computer for other tasks. Printing is generally faster whenBackground Printing is off. For more information on SpoolMaster, seethe “Working With SpoolMaster” section later in this chapter.Setting Up Print JobsOnce you have selected the MultiPASS C635 driver in the Chooser, youcan set up your print jobs from any application.Using the Page Setup DialogUse the Page Setup dialog to format your document by setting optionssuch as paper size, orientation, and scaling. These settings are saved withthe document.From the Finder or from within any application, choose Page Setupfrom the File menu.❍ PaperSelect the paper size you want using radio buttons. You can selectless common paper sizes from the pull-down menu.❍ Reduce or EnlargeEnter the percentage scaling you want for your documents. You canexpand a document by using a value greater than 100% or shrink itby using a value less than 100%.