MultiPASS F30 User’s Manual88Files you have created in other applications cannot be saved in My MultiPASSfolders.To access files in the My MultiPASS folders:Click the icon on the MultiPASS Toolbar or double-click the MMyyMMuullttiiPPAASSSS icon on the desktop.Viewing, Editing and Printing Saved DocumentsDocuments saved in My MultiPASS folders can be viewed and edited in theMultiPASS Viewer.To use the MultiPASS Viewer:1 Access documentNavigate My MultiPASSfolders, then double-click thedocument. The MultiPASSViewer will open and displaythe document.2 View or edit documentOn the MultiPASS Viewer, youcan rotate the document andperform other basic editingtasks. To print the document, click PPrriinntt on the MultiPASS Viewer toolbar.Working with the Address BookUnless you specify otherwise, the MultiPASS software uses the MultiPASSAddress Book to store all of your address book entries. You create the AddressBook the first time you open it.To create the Address Book:1 Open Canon Address Book ProfileClick SSttaarrtt, PPrrooggrraammss, CCaannoonnMMuullttiiPPAASSSS SSuuiittee 44..00, thenCCaannoonn MMuullttiiPPAASSSS AAddddrreessssBBooookk PPrrooffiillee.